Ricardo bad customer service and Inkasso company : Switzerland – صحيفة الصوت


I’m a longtime Ricardo user and last week I was really disapointed (and a little bit angry) at them and wanted to aks if anyone has any suggestions or would handle the situation diffenrently.

The story: I got in a hasle with an inkasso compamy (Intrum AG) beacause I forgott to pay the fees of an item I sold on Ricardo some time ago. Ricardo did send me a ‘Manung’ per mail (which is aparently legal) and the mail was flagged as spam. After not paying (my fault of course) they sold the bill to an inkasso company (Intrum AG). The inkasso compamy send me an mail, which wasn’t flagged as spam, aking to pay the requested amount + an handling-fee as large as the Ricardo fee. I payed the Ricardo-fee via Ricardo and called Ricardo asking if they could contact the inkasso company saying the issue is solved. They responded that they can’t do anything and I have to talk with the inkasso conpany.

I send the inkasso company an mail saying that the fee was payed. They responded that I still have to pay the handling fee. After some research (googling) I found a link from Konsumentenschutz and srf stating I only have to pay 5% interest of late paymemt if nothing else is stated at the agbs of Ricardo. I did pay the interest and send them a response saying that the I wont pay the handling fee using the template from (in german https://www.konsumentenschutz.ch/online-ratgeber/muss-ich-den-verzugsschaden-bezahlen/). I haven’t heard anything from them. I will have to ask them what data they have about me and ask them to delete it, because I don’t want them to have any data because of bonitats check etc.

My points/Questions:

  1. I’m not against inkasso companies but most of them add shady fees and are a hassle to handle. Ricardo is working with one of those which is a pity and in my eyes puts them in a bad light. Is there any way to push/complain to Ricardo to change it?

1.1 Manungen per mail are not realy the best way because of spam. The could at least send an sms or a push notification via the app. Is there a possibility to state that the mahnung was not received?

2. And last and not least, should I have handlt the situation differently?

Thanks Reben

Tldr: ricardo fee was not payed, open fee was sold to a shady inkasso company (intrum) resulting in an hasle for me.


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