Allowing trucks on Swiss roads at night under discussion – صحيفة الصوت

Under current rules trucks are not allowed on Swiss roads between 10pm and 5am and on Sundays, with some exceptions. However, the Swiss authorities are discussing the possibility of loosening these rules in order reduce daytime traffic, reported Le Matin.

Photo : Initiative des Alpes / Fabian Biasio

The Federal Roads Office (FEDRO) is considering reducing the time period at night when heavy vehicles cannot be driven in the hope that it will cut the number of trucks on Swiss roads during the day.

Other ideas being considered to cut daytime traffic are reducing motorway speeds to 60 km/h at peak times and banning heavy vehicles from using the left lane.

The Alpine Initiative, an organisation focused on protecting the Alps from transit traffic, is resolutely against any changes to the nighttime heavy vehicle curfew. According to the organisation, the only exceptions that should be made are those that currently exist, which include postal vehicles and vehicles carrying fresh produce. Traffic noise is one of the most significant forms of environmental pollution. Those living near these roads are especially affected, it said. A truck travelling at the same speed as a car emits 10 times the level of noise. In addition, the ban on trucks at night helps to move freight from the road to the rail network, a more environmentally friendly form of transport.

More on this:
Le Matin article (in French) – Take a 5 minute French test now

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