2 Windsor, Ont., residents charged with mischief in Ambassador Bridge blockade-صحيفة الصوت


Police in Windsor, Ont., have charged two people alleged to have been organizers of the convoy blockade at the Ambassador Bridge international border crossing more than five months ago.

“During the course of the protest, the Windsor Police Service along with partnering policing agencies worked together to identify participants and the organizers/leaders involved,” a WPS release Thursday says.

Nycole Dicredico, 42, and William Laframboise, 41, of Windsor are both charged with mischief. 

The police service said that on Feb. 9, two vehicles entered the intersection at Huron Church Road and Tecumseh Road West near the Windsor-Detroit bridge, blocking northbound traffic.

“This ultimately blocked traffic attempting to cross an international border,” police said in the release.

Police say the two who were charged were the drivers of the two vehicles and were “leaders/organizers” of the protests.

Access to the Ambassador Bridge was blocked the evening of Feb. 7 by truck drivers and others protesting COVID-19 public health mandates.

A court injunction preventing anyone from blocking access to the bridge was granted on Feb. 11. The blockade was cleared by police on Feb. 13.


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