Many people in this recent thread answered that they couldn’t be bothered to spend 15 seconds at the cashier with a loyalty card. That their time wasn’t worth “the pennies”.

Here’s a short demonstration that these 15 seconds are the highest salary most of us will ever make.

Note: This is a calculation based on Coop loyalty programme.


  1. You spend 70.- a week at coop, 52 weeks per year.

  2. It takes you 15 seconds each time to swipe your loyalty card.

  3. You get 1% back

The Math

Yearly spending = 70 X 52 = 3640 francs

Time spent on loyalty = 52 X 15 = 780 seconds

Cashback = 0.01 X 3640 = 36.40

Cashback per second spent = 0.046 francs

Average work day = 8.5h = 30’600 seconds

Cashback-equivalent daily salary = 1428chf

This does not include extra coupons and point multipliers. Also, it takes less than 15 seconds to swipe your card.

Still not worth it?


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