Shopping vocabulary in Portuguese | Street Smart Brazil – صحيفة الصوت
Shopping vocabulary in Portuguese – Portuguese lesson

Here is shopping vocabulary in Portuguese to help you whether you are shopping online or in person. I hope this will help you shop with confidence whether you are shopping in Brazil or at a Brazilian store anywhere in the world.

Watch the video to learn the pronunciation.

1. comprar = to buy, to purchase, to shop

Comprar is a regular verb ending in AR. To understand verb conjugation in general and learn verb conjugation of regular verbs ending in AR, visit this lesson.

2. fazer compras = to shop

Fazer is an irregular verb. It is easy to use in the future tense with the verb IR. But to use it in other tenses you have to study its conjugation.

3. fazer supermercado = to grocery shop

4. comprar online/comprar pela internet = to shop online

5. pedir online = to order online

6. o pedido = the order

7. pedir/fazer o pedido (no restaurante) = to order (at the restaurant)

8. comprar em pessoa/comprar pessoalmente = to shop in person

9. o carrinho de compras = the shopping cart

10. a cesta de compras/a cestinha = the shopping basket

11. empurrar o carrinho = to push the cart

12. carregar/levar a cesta = to carry the basket

13. Deixa que eu levo a cesta. = Leave it to me to carry the basket.

14. colocar algo no carrinho / na cesta = to put something in the cart / in the basket

15. adicionar ao carrinho = To add to the cart (online shopping)

16. o prazo para entrega = delivery time

17. a data da entrega = delivery date

18. o valor/preço do frete =the shipping cost

19. a caixa registradora = the cash register

20. o caixa/a caixa = the cashier

21. a fila = the line

22. a fila está grande/longa/enorme = the line is big/long/huge

23. Vamos para o caixa = Let’s go to the cashier. Let’s go pay.

24. Vou entrar na fila. = I will get in line.

25. Estou na fila. = I’m in line.

26. furar a fila = to cut in line

27. Não fure a file. = Don’t cut in line.

28. fechar o pedido = to checkout

29. pagar em dinheiro = pay with cash

30. dinheiro trocado = change as in money in small denominations that you carry with you

31. o troco = change as in money returned when a payment exceeds the amount due

32. pagar com cartão = pay with a card

33. débito ou crédito? = debit or credit?

34. Vai parcelar? = Are you going to pay in installments? (I explain this and more in the video)

35. Pode parcelar em até 12 vezes. = You can pay in up to 12 installments.

36. É para presente = It’s a gift

37. embrulhar/embalar para presente = to giftwrap

38. Pode embrulhar/embalar para presente? = Can you giftwrap?

39. trocar = to exchange

40. a política de trocas = exchange policy

41. devolver = to return

42. a política de devolução = return policy

43. o prazo para troca e devolução = exchange and return deadline

44. o reembolso = refund

It’s important to learn new vocabulary and useful sentences, but that’s not enough to speak Portuguese with ease when interacting with people in real life. For that, you have Street Smart Brazil to help you.

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