A 70-year-old grandfather has been jailed for stealing more than $2 million from his employer.

Richard Gordon Mackenzie pleaded guilty to one count of stealing as a clerk or servant in Brisbane District Court last month.

The court heard Mackenzie was well respected in the cleaning industry when he took on a consultant’s role with an Underwood commercial cleaning business.

Mackenzie was sentenced to seven years for stealing over $2 million from his employer. (Nine)

He took over daily management of the company when the owner took ill in 2013/14.

But it was when the company moved to online banking that the theft began, with Mackenzie also in charge of the bank transfers.

The court heard that over a three-year period Mackenzie transferred $2.3 million to his own business accounts, personal accounts and family trust from the company’s account.

He used 65 transactions to make the payments which remained undetected until the company received a significant tax bill.

The court heard a significant amount of the money went to Mackenzie’s now-defunct trailer business.

In victim statements, the business owner and her daughter said the family had been significantly affected by financial losses. (Nine)

The business owner and her daughter have been severely financially impacted as a result of Mackenzie’s actions and it has taken significant work to get the company back on its feet, according to a victim impact statement tendered to the court.

In sentencing, Judge John Allen said Mackenzie “had a very responsible and trusted position which (he) exploited”.

He called the size of theft “breathtaking” telling Mackenzie, “You should be thoroughly ashamed of your serious dishonesty”.

The 70-year-old grandfather was sentenced to seven years’ jail.

He’ll be eligible for parole in two years.

Prior to this offending, the court heard Mackenzie had a clean criminal record.


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