Portuguese Vocabulary Flashcards: Vegetables, Herbs, Nuts & more – صحيفة الصوت
Portuguese Vocabulary Flashcards: Learn vegetables, herbs, nuts, grains, and legumes in Portuguese

This Portuguese lesson has over 65 words to turn your kitchen and your fridge into an immersive experience to learn Portuguese. These Portuguese vocabulary flashcards have vegetables, herbs, nuts, grains, and legumes.

Here is my suggestion: Label all you can in your kitchen in Portuguese. Each time you use these ingredients, say the name out loud. This is a great way to memorize vocabulary using different senses, such as touch, smell, and taste.

You can easily get labels or post-it notes to get started turning your kitchen into a language-learning experience. You can even use blank paper, scissors, and tape, to create your own labeling system.

Brazilian Idiomatic Expression: Pra Chuchu

Chuchu (pronounced shoo-shoo) means chayote. It is very common in Brazilian cuisine and is consumed in stews, soups, soufflés, and more.

Although chayote is a fruit, it is mostly used as a vegetable in Brazilian cuisine.

Chayote can be found all over Brazil. It is rich in fiber and low in calories, and has diuretic and anti-inflammatory properties.

In Brazil we have the colloquial expression pra chuchu, which means “a lot”, “very”. It is used to express a large quantity or intensity. It is said that the expression was created because chayote grows abundantly almost anywhere in Brazil.

Here are examples using this Brazilian idiomatic expression:

  • Eu como verduras pra chuchu. E você? = I eat a lot of vegetables. And you?
  • Estudei pra chuchu para a prova. = I studied a lot for the test.
  • Tinha gente pra chuchu na festa. = There was a whole lot of people at the party.
  • A festa foi boa pra chuchu. = The party was great.
  • Está quente pra chuchu hoje. = It is really hot today.

Renata, who used to teach Portuguese with Street Smart Brazil, told me about her grandma’s tea recipe using chuchu: Infuse the chayote leaves or the fruit for a few minutes and drink it. She believed that it could help in the treatment of high blood pressure and kidney stones. Please have in mind that this is only a family tea recipe. It is not medical advice. For a recipe of chayote with egg and cheese click here.

Vegetables, Herbs, Nuts, Grains, Legumes in Portuguese

Below is a list with vegetables, herbs, nuts, grains, and legumes in Portuguese. After the list you will find the flashcards.

I hope you like it pra chuchu!

Vegetables in Portuguese

  1. a abóbora = pumpkin
  2. a abobrinha = zucchini, courgette
  3. o aipo = celery
  4. a alcachofra = artichoke
  5. a alface = lettuce
  6. o alho = garlic
  7. o aspargo – asparagus
  8. a batata = potato
  9. a batata doce = sweet potato
  10. a berinjela = eggplant
  11. a beterraba = beet
  12. os brócolis = broccoli (In Portuguese, it’s always in the plural)
  13. a cebola = onion
  14. a cenoura = carrot
  15. o chuchu = chayote, chow-chow
  16. a couve = collard greens
  17. a couve-flor = cauliflower
  18. o cogumelo = mushroom
  19. o espinafre = spinach
  20. o nabo = turnip
  21. o palmito = heart of palm
  22. o pepino = cucumber
  23. o pimentão = bell pepper
  24. o quiabo = okra
  25. o rabanete = radish
  26. o repolho = cabbage
  27.  a rúcula = arugula, rocket
  28. a salada = salad
  29. o tomate = tomato – yes, it’s a fruit, but we use it as a vegetable 😉
  30. a vagem = green beans

Herbs & Seasoning in Portuguese

  1. o alecrim = rosemary
  2. a alcaparra = capers
  3. o azeite = olive oil
  4. a canela = cinnamon
  5. o coentro = cilantro
  6. o cominho = cumin
  7. as ervas = herbs
  8. o gengibre = ginger
  9. a hortelã = mint, peppermint
  10. o orégano = organo
  11. a paprika = paprika
  12. a pimenta = pepper
  13. a pimenta-do-reino = black pepper
  14. a pimenta-malagueta =  red pepper, very hot Brazilian pepper
  15. a salsinha = parsley

Nuts in Portuguese

  1. a amêndoa = almond
  2. o amendoim = peanut (yes, it is a legume, but we eat it as nuts, don’t we?)
  3. a castanha-do-pará = Brazil nut
  4. a noz, as nozes = walnut
  5. a noz-pecã = pecan
  6. o pistácio, o pistache = pistachio

For the record, I am crazy about nuts ♥

Learn what verb to use with each meal in Portuguese - Portuguese lesson
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Grains in Portuguese

  1. o amaranto = amaranth
  2. o arroz = rice
  3. o arroz integral = brown rice
  4. a aveia = oats
  5. o centeio – rye
  6. a cevada = barley
  7. o milho = corn
  8. a quinoa = quinoa
  9. o trigo = wheat

Legumes in Portuguese

  1. a ervilha = pea (I have memories of my dad cooking rice with peas – his specialty)
  2. a fava = fava bean
  3. o feijão = bean
  4. o feijão-frade, o jeijão-fradinho = black-eyed pea
  5. o feijão preto = black beans
  6. o grão-de-bico = chick pea, garbanzo beans (eu adoro ♥)
  7. a lentilha = lentil (também adoro 😊)
  8. a soja, o feijão de soja = soybean

Here are the flashcards

Tip to use these flashcards: Click the drop down menu at the bottom to choose different ways to use the flaschards.

More Food and Kitchen Vocabulary in Portuguese

Visit these other Portuguese lessons:

To use your new vocabulary correctly you need lots of practice. There’s only so much that apps, books, and videos can do for your Portuguese. You need to have real conversations with real people in order to take your fluency to the next level.

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Street Smart Brazil has been teaching Portuguese via video meetings since 2008, helping learners around the globe speak Portuguese with ease.

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This Portuguese lesson was originally posted in 2011. It has been updated and republished.


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