‘Plenty of room to spread your legs’ Fiji sends video invite to entice Dr Ashley Bloomfield – صحيفة الصوت

Marika Ratulele is one of several Fijians featuring in the Tourism Fiji video invitation to Dr Ashley Bloomfield.

Marika Ratulele is one of several Fijians featuring in the Tourism Fiji video invitation to Dr Ashley Bloomfield.

Fiji wants Dr Ashley Bloomfield.

Tourism Fiji has released a tongue-in-cheek video inviting Bloomfield to visit the islands for a tropical getaway, after he finishes up as Director-General of Health on July 29.

The video, called ‘Ashley’s Holiday’ showcases the islands’ famous sandy beaches and clear waters, starring local Fijians trying to entice Bloomfield to get on a plane for a ‘booster of happiness’.

“Bula Mr Bloomfield, we know you’ve had a tough time over the last two years. And now you should get away. And what better place to do it than in the friendly isles of Fiji?”

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The one-minute video, which has a hashtag #GetAshleyToFiji, goes on to say the only injection is a “much needed shot of vitamin D”, and that after telling everyone to be kind for two years, it’s time for Bloomfield to receive some kindness in return.

“You can even tell Chris that we’ve got plenty of room to spread your legs,” says Fijian Marika Ratulele in the video, referencing the infamous line uttered by Chris Hipkins in a press conference last year.

Tourism Fiji’s New Zealand Regional Director, Sonya Lawson, said after years of service to the New Zealand public, Bloomfield has earnt himself a well-deserved holiday.

“We would be delighted to share our year round tropical warmth, pristine coastlines and world-renowned Bula spirit with Ashley and his family,” she said.

“A potential itinerary for the Bloomfields may include a day trip with South Sea Sailing, a tree-top adventure at Zip Fiji, an afternoon relaxing on a sun lounger on Tivua Island, or a casual game of rugby with the local village.

“Fiji is the place where happiness finds you, and we want Dr. Bloomfield and his family to find that happiness together. Fiji’s locals came together to create this invitation to emphasise how excited we are to welcome the Bloomfield family with open arms.”

Bloomfield has not yet responded to enquiries on whether he might take up the offer for a tropical getaway.

The face of New Zealand’s Covid-19 response, Bloomfield announced in April he would be stepping down in July to spend more time with his family.


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