‘Over and out from me’: Dr Ashley Bloomfield’s biggest moments – صحيفة الصوت

His face has been on hot sauce, tea towels, tattoos and T-shirts – there was even an infamous rugby game – but after more than 1500 days, the time has come for the “curve-crusher” to call it a day.

After beaming into our homes and offices for two-and-a-half years – sometimes daily – Dr Ashley Bloomfield has signed off his final media stand-up as Director-General of Health.

Officials believe it was Bloomfield’s 307th press conference since the Covid-19 pandemic began, one he finished by thanking news media and the New Zealand public before leaving the room to a rapturous round of applause.

His final words: “That’s over and out from me.”

* Dr Ashley Bloomfield dances up a storm at Super Saturday event
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Director-General of Health Dr Ashley Bloomfield is sent off to applause after finishing his final press conference on Wednesday .

Director-General of Health Dr Ashley Bloomfield is sent off to applause after finishing his final press conference on Wednesday .

Bloomfield was asked at Wednesday’s noon press conference, “What’s next for you?” He replied simply: “Lunch … but from Saturday, a jolly good break.”

Bloomfield reflected on his first “novel coronavirus” briefing, in January 2020. Since, the country has been through lockdowns, myriad variants, delivered vaccines to millions of Kiwis and learned a new vocabulary – from bubbles to RATs.


Dr Ashley Bloomfield gives his last scheduled press conference as director-general of health.

“I feel honoured to have led the Ministry of Health at this time, and I am wholly confident in the people, including those here with me today, who will be leading the Covid-19 response into the future.”

Bloomfield also used his final address to thank the news media, who had “fulfilled the responsibility” of holding those in public office to account, to ensure “we are not just going our job, but [are] constantly challenged to do it better”.

During the briefing, Te Whatu Ora (Health New Zealand) interim national medical director Dr Pete Watson thanked Bloomfield, saying his “presence, wisdom, and reassurance provided” at stand-ups would be missed.

Bloomfield in action during the 25th annual parliamentary rugby match at Wainuiomata.


Bloomfield in action during the 25th annual parliamentary rugby match at Wainuiomata.

Public Health Agency Deputy Director-General Andrew Old praised Bloomfield’s “Herculean efforts” over the past two years and his “tireless work” as director-general.

On Thursday, Stuff will speak to Bloomfield live. Tune in at 8am.

Bloomfield’s biggest moments

June 11, 2018: Bloomfield takes on the role as director-general of health, taking over from embattled predecessor Chai Chuah.

December 4, 2019: The death toll of a measles outbreak in Samoa rises to 55 and Bloomfield urges people to delay travel to Samoa during the epidemic.

December 9, 2019: Whakaari/White Island erupts while 47 people are on the island in tour groups. Bloomfield fronts several media press conferences, saying skin is being shipped in from Australia for skin grafts. The death toll would eventually rise to 22.

Daily Covid19 briefings saw Ashley Bloomfield quickly become a household name.

Sungmi Kim/Stuff

Daily Covid19 briefings saw Ashley Bloomfield quickly become a household name.

February 28, 2020: New Zealand reports its first case of Covid-19, in a traveller in Auckland. Mask-less journalists gather at a media press conference at the Ministry of Health in Wellington.

March 7, 2020: Bloomfield becomes the face of New Zealand’s Covid-19 response and a household name, giving daily updates about the Covid-19 outbreak and response in New Zealand.

March 28, 2020: Bloomfield takes a day off, making national news.

July 25, 2020: Bloomfield chooses the nickname “The Eliminator” for a Parliamentary rugby match, scoring a try that would help land the Centurions a 19-10 victory over the Parliament team.

June 25, 2020: Then Health Minister David Clark says Bloomfield has “accepted protocols weren’t being followed” after a Covid-19 outbreak stemming from overseas travellers. Clark later resigns as health minister.

April 6, 2022: Bloomfield announces he will step down as director-general in July 2022 – a year before his term end. He cites stress as the key reason and says he’d like to take a break and spend time with his family.

July 27, 2022: Bloomfield hosts his final press conference, providing an update on winter pressures, Covid-19 and monkeypox. Earlier in the day he confirmed he’d written a letter to 14 councils ordering them to fluoridate their drinking water. He leaves the room to dozens of Ministry of Health staffers clapping.


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