Mi’kmaw recognized as Nova Scotia’s first language-صحيفة الصوت


Nova Scotia Premier Tim Houston, 13 chiefs and a slew of other dignitaries were in in Potlotek First Nation on Sunday morning for the proclamation of the new Mi’kmaw Language Act.

The act sees Mi’kmaw officially recognized as the province’s first language.

For Pictou Landing First Nation Chief Andrea Paul, the proclamation is historical.

“I felt like I was being a party of history,” Paul said. “It’s something that’s so significant.”

The move is also a monumental one for Eskasoni First Nation Chief Leroy Denny.

“Just decades ago, our language wasn’t welcome here in this land,” Denny explained. “We were forced to lose our language and not to speak it.”

The premier believes the Mi’kmaw Language Act is another important step on the lond road to reconciliation.

“It’s a step along the journey for the community to know that their province supports them and sees the importance of their language in this case, but their culture in general,” Houston said.

Aside from the ceremony and the symbolism, the act will make the Mi’kmaw language more visible.

“We’ll be able to learn it in all schools, not just Mi’kmaq schools, not just Mi’kmaq communities, but the whole province,” Denny said.

While the legislation was proclaimed on Sunday, it was first passed by the provincial legislature back in April.

Mi’kmaq Chiefs signed a resolution to affirm and uphold the provincial legislation on behalf of their respective communities.

“It sets a precedent for the other provinces, I’m hoping,” said Paul. “Because like our Grand Chief said, if we lose our language there’s nowhere that we can go to reclaim that.”

Sunday’s historic Mi’kmaw Language Act will take effect on Oct. 1, which is also Treaty Day.


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