Today you will learn the numbers in Portuguese. You will learn all that you need to use the numbers correctly in any situation in Brazil.
Knowing the numbers is more than knowing how to count from 1 to 10 or being able to understand the price of everyday items. There are several details to learn.
For instance, can you break years in two groups and say, for example, nineteen eighty-one?
Is it twenty-one or twenty and one?
Do numbers have a masculine and a feminine version?
At the end of this lesson you will be able to use the numbers with confidence when speaking Portuguese.
Needless to day, learning the numbers in your foreign language is important to many everyday activities, such as exchanging phone numbers, shopping, scheduling dates and meetings, telling the time, and more.
Funny thing about numbers in a foreign language
Numbers are a funny thing in the world of foreign language speaking, in my humble opinion. I have been living in the US for almost two decades. I went to graduate school in the US. So, I feel I can say that my English is decent. But when I am reading, and there is a date, I read the year in Portuguese in my head.
In addition, when I need to say in English a phone number that I have learned in Portuguese, such as my mom’s number in Brazil, for example, I have to think about it. And vice-versa: If I need to say my husband’s phone number in Portuguese, I need to translate it in my head.
Another funny thing is that I simply cannot do math in my head in English. When I need to give or receive change, for instance, I translate it to Portuguese in my head so I can make sense of the numbers.
What is your experience learning the numbers in a foreign language?
Zero to 19 in Portuguese
Some numbers have a feminine version. That is the case of numbers 1 and 2, as well as numbers that end in 1 and 2. The hundreds from 200 to 900 also have a feminine version. I indicate the feminine version of the numbers below.
In addition, there is a section ahead with the details on when and how to use the feminine version of numbers.
Watch the video to learn the pronunciation.
Here you go, zero thru 19 in Portuguese.
0 – zero
1 – um/uma
2 – dois/duas
3 – três
4 – quatro
5 – cinco
6 – seis
7 – sete
8 – oito
9 – nove
10 – dez
11 – onze
12 – doze
13 – treze
14 – quatorze / catorze
15 – quinze
16 – dezesseis
17 – dezessete
18 – dezoito
19 – dezenove
Numbers 20 to 99
From here on, we have a little more rhythm and repetition:
20 – vinte
21 – vinte e um/vinte e uma (Notice the “e” there. You need to use the preposition.)
22 – vinte e dois/vinte e duas
23 – vinte e três
24 – vinte e quatro
25 – vinte e cinco
26 – vinte e seis
27 – vinte e sete
28 – vinte e oito
29 – vinte e nove
30 – trinta
The pattern repeats:
31 – trinta e um/trinta e uma
32 – trinta e dois/trinta e duas
33 – trinta e três, etc.
This is true until 99:
40 – quarenta
41 – quarenta e um, etc.
50 – cinquenta
51 – cinquenta e um, etc.
60 – sessenta
61 – sessenta e um, etc.
70 – setenta
71 – setenta e um, etc.
80 – oitenta
81 – oitenta e um, etc.
90 – noventa
91 – noventa e um, etc.
99 – noventa e nove
From 100 to 999 in Portuguese
100 – cem
You only say cem when it is 100 round number. It can be one hundred, one hundred thousand, one hundred million etc.
But the moment it is not 100 round number, it becomes cento:
101 – cento e um
And now it gets into a pattern, so I will not show you all the numbers. I will show you enough to make the pattern apparent:
102 – cento e dois
103 – cento e três
115 – cento e quinze
120 – cento e vinte
121 – cento e vinte e um (Notice that I have two prepositions here. This is a pattern.)
126 – cento e vinte e seis
129 – cento e vinte e nove
130 – cento e trinta
137 – cento e trinta e sete
140 – cento e quarenta
150 – cento e cinquenta
160 – cento e sessenta
170 – cento e setenta
180 – cento e oitenta
190 – cento e noventa
200 – duzentos/duzentas
The hundreds from 200 to 900 have a feminine version.
The pattern continues:
201 – duzentos e um
210 – duzentos e dez
220 – duzentos e vinte
222 – duzentos e vinte e dois (Is this a lucky number? 😉)
Keep going with the same pattern:
300 – trezentos/trezentas
400 – quatrocentos/quatrocentas
500 – quinhentos/quinhentas
600 – seiscentos/seiscentas
700 – setecentos/setecentas
800 – oitocentos/oitocentas
900 – novecentos/novecentas
999 – novecentos e noventa e nove (This has to be a lucky number!)
1 thousand to the millions
1.000 – mil (American learners: notice the period instead of the comma. More about this ahead.)
Patterns are our friends:
1.001 – mil e um
1.002 – mil e dois
1.010 – mil e dez
1.020 – mil e vinte
1.021 – mil e vinte e um
1.088 – mil e oitenta e oito
1.099 – mil e noventa e nove
1.100 – mil e cem
There is a change of pattern here
From 1100 on, there is a change in the pattern. It has to do with the preposition “e”.
In round numbers like 1100, 1200, 1300, etc., you have the preposition just as you did before:
1.100 – mil e cem
1.200 – mil e duzentos
1.300 – mil e trezentos
However, you lose the “e” above when the number is not round in the hundreds:
1.101 – mil cento e um
Notice that there is no preposition between one thousand and one hundred. But there is a preposition between one hundred and one.
Here are additional examples:
1.110 – mil cento e dez
1.954 – mil novecentos e cinquenta e quatro
1.999 – mil novecentos e noventa e nove
The above is true for all numbers that follow. For example:
2.000 – dois mil
2.022 – dois mil e vinte e dois
2.100 – dois mil e cem
2.122 – dois mil cento e vinte e dois (Notice the lack of a preposition between thousands and hundreds)
2.200 – dois mil e duzentos
2.235 – dois mil duzentos e trinta e cinco
And so on.
The book Ponto de Encontro puts it this way:
“Use e between all elements of compound numbers except between thousands and hundreds when hundreds are followed by tens or units.”
These patterns go on using the numbers you have learned above. Let me show you a few more examples.
3.000 – três mil
4.000 – quatro mil
10.000 – dez mil
10.001 – dez mil e um
10.021 – dez mil e vinte e um
10.600 – dez mil e seiscentos
10.621 – dez mil seiscentos e vinte e um
20.000 – vinte mil
30.000 – trinta mil
When we say cem and when we say cento
Notice when we use cem and when we use cento:
100.000 – cem mil
100.001 – cem mil e um
101.000 – cento e um mil (Notice again that we change from cem to cento when it is not 100 round).
101.500 – cento e um mil e quinhentos
101.550 – cento e um mil quinhentos e cinquenta
Keep going:
200.000 – duzentos/as mil
300.000 – trezentos/as mil
900.000 – novecentos/as mil
999.000 – novecentos e noventa e nove mil
999.999 – novecentos e noventa e nove mil novecentos e noventa e nove
1.000.000 – um milhão
The use of preposition with millions
I showed you that the thousands lose the “e” between thousands and hundreds when hundreds are followed by tens or unit. It is similar with the millions. We also lose the “e” between millions and thousands when the thousands or the hundreds are followed by units. I know it sounds confusing, but observe the rule in the numbers below.
1.100.000 – um milhão e cem mil
However, we lose that “e” between the millions and the thousands here:
1.120.000 – um milhão cento e vinte mil
Here is another example:
2.000.000 – dois milhões
2.000.100 – dois milhões e cem
2.000.127 – dois milhões cento e vinte e sete
Billions, Trillions, etc. in Portuguese
I see! You want to be a billionaire 😉 Here you go:
- um bilhão (a billion)
- um trilhão (a trillion)
- um quatrilhão
- um quintilhão
- um sextilhão
- um septilhão
- um octilhão
- um nonilhão
- um decilhão
How to say millionaire or billionaire in Portuguese
- um milionário/uma milionária = a millionaire
- um bilionário/ uma bilionária = a billionaire
- um trilionário/uma trilionária = a trillionaire
- um quatrilionário/uma quatrilionária = a quatrillionaire
Notice that the word milhão (million) is spelled with lh, but milionário (millionaire) is not.
Can you break numbers into groups in Brazil?
We usually do not break numbers into groups in Brazil the way we do in the US.
If you tell a friend in Brazil that you were born in “dezenove oitenta” (nineteen eighty) they will find it very strange. We do not break numbers like this in Brazil. We say the whole number. For example, a person born in 1980 will say:
- Eu nasci em mil novecentos e oitenta. = I was born in 1980.
This is true for addresses too. You need to say the entire number. Giving your street number as “five eighty” will not sound natural. Instead, you should say: quinhentos e oitenta (580).
This is also true for prices. It is true in general, except for phone numbers.
How to say Phone Numbers in Brazil
Here is a handy thing to know when saying phone numbers in Brazil: We usually say “meia” for six.
Meia means half. It comes from: meia dúzia = half a dozen.
Saying meia instead of “seis” prevents people from mishearing “três” instead of “seis”.
Luckily to all of us, we break phone numbers into groups in Brazil. There are different ways in which you can do this. Let’s see an example.
- nove nove nove meia sete dois zero um quatro
- nove nove nove meia sete vinte quatorze
- nove nove nove meia sete dois mil e quatorze
There is not one right way to say a phone number. In my view, the most common way to say it is by saying digit by digit as in the first example above.
Cultural tidbit: Mobile numbers in Brazil
Mobile numbers in Brazil used to have eight digits grouped in two groups of four digits. The phone number above, for instance, would be: 9967-2014.
In 2012, Brazilian mobile numbers started to gain a ninth digit: the number 9 was added in front of the original number. This was done to increase the availability of numbers on mobile telephony. The addition of a digit was done gradually until 2016.
Because this extra 9 was added to numbers that we already had, we tend to say it individually, often with a little pause before continuing. For example, someone saying the phone number 99967-2014 could say:
- nove (short pause) nove nove meia sete – vinte quatorze
The gender of numbers in Portuguese
The numbers 1 and 2 as well as all numbers ending in 1 or 2 have a feminine form. For instance:
- 1 carro = um carro = one car
- 1 casa = uma casa = one house
- 2 copos = dois copos = two glasses
- 2 mesas = duas mesas = two tables
- 31 barcos = trinta e um barcos = 31 boats
- 31 cadeiras – trinta e uma cadeiras = 31 chairs
- 72 livros – setenta e dois livros = 72 books
- 72 aulas = setenta e duas aulas = 72 classes
The hundreds
The hundreds from 200 and on also have a feminine version as I have indicated above. Therefore:
300 – trezentos/trezentas
400 – quatrocentos/quatrocentas
Here are examples using these numbers:
1) Estou sobrecarregada de trabalho. Eu tenho duzentas tarefas para concluir hoje. = I’m overloaded with work. I have two hundred tasks to complete today.
2) Trezentas e quarenta e duas pessoas assinaram a petição. = Three hundred and forty-two people signed the petition.
The thousands
The thousands have a feminine version as well. For example:
1) Duas mil pessoas participaram da passeata pela paz. = Two thousand people took part in the peace march.
2) O governo distribuiu quinhentas mil vacinas esta semana. = The government distributed five hundred thousand vaccines this week.
The millions do not have a feminine version
Numbers in the millions do not have a feminine version. Therefore, you have:
1) Dois milhões de pessoas participaram do protesto. = Two million people took part in the protest.
2) O Brasil tem uma população de cerca de duzentos e doze milhões de pessoas. = Brazil has a population of around two hundred and twelve million people.
When to use the preposition DE with numbers
When a noun follows a number, you use the preposition de between the number and the object when you are talking about millions and up.
You can see that in the examples above. The following numbers are not followed by the preposition “de”:
- setenta e dois livros
- duzentas tarefas
- trezentas e quarenta e duas pessoas
- duas mil pessoas
- quinhentas mil vacinas
We have the preposition de when the number is in the millions:
- dois milhões de pessoas
- duzentos e doze milhões de pessoas
Digital Grouping and Decimal Separation in Portuguese
In Brazil, we use a period to group digits, and we use a comma for the decimal separation. Let’s use prices as examples:
- R$ 1.123,40 – mil cento e vinte e três reais e quarenta centavos
- R$ 267.560,99 – duzentos e sessenta e sete mil quinhentos e sessenta reais e noventa e nove centavos
This is the opposite of what is used in the United States. I constantly have to switch my Excel between one notation and the other as I work regularly with Brazilians and Americans.
That is it! Now you know all about the numbers in Portuguese. Did you expect so many details to learn the numbers?
Now all you need is practice to get your numbers in autopilot so you don’t have to think about them.
To learn a language you need to speak it, period. Get all the practice you need with our one-on-one Portuguese lessons via video meetings.
We have been teaching Portuguese online since 2008. Learn Portuguese from anywhere, at your own pace, from well-trained tutors who are native speakers of Brazilian Portuguese and fluent in English.
This lesson was originally posted in 2009. I has been updated and extended.