INNOSPACE Apresentou o Seu Veículo Sub-Orbital de Lançamento de Teste ‘HANBIT-TLV’, Que Visa Decolar da Base de Alcântara em Dezembro de 2022 – صحيفة الصوت
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Por Duda Falcão


Pois então, ainda CÉTICO quanto ao que vem sendo divulgado sobre as próximas atividades da startup sul coreana INNOSPACE no Brasil, estava eu navegando no site oficial dessa empresa, quando descobrimos a nota abaixo publicada em 29/05, noticiando que a INNOSPACE havia apresentado o seu primeiro veículo de lançamento de teste ‘HANBIT-TLV’ para assim decolar do Brasil em dezembro deste ano.


“INNOSPACE Unveils its First Test Launch Vehicle ‘HANBIT-TLV’ to Lift Off in December 2022




INNOSPACE has unveiled the nation’s first civilian test launch vehicle, HANBIT-TLV and performed to verify interface integrity and systems compatibility with its CLS and HANBIT-TLV on May 27.


INNOSPACE has unveiled the nation’s first civilian test launch vehicle, HANBIT-TLV. INNOSPACE has installed a new portable Coalesced Launch System at its Cheongju plant located in South Korea and performed to verify interface integrity and systems compatibility with its CLS and HANBIT-TLV on May 27.


The HANBIT-TLV is launched to verify the flight performance of the 15-tonf thrust single stage hybrid engine developed by INNOSPACE with its own technology. It will lift off in December 2022 from the Alcântara Launch Center in Brazil, followed by a suborbital test flight up to an altitude of 100 km, and will fall into open seas. HANBIT-TLV is a 15-tonf thrust single stage hybrid rocket with a height of 16.3m, 1-meter-diameter, and weight of 9.2-ton.


The first civilian small satellite launcher HANBIT uses hybrid rocket engine technology that combines the features of liquid and solid rockets. The use of solid fuels and liquid oxygen simplifies the structure and has the advantage of enabling thrust control. In particular, HANBIT is applied with high-performance and non-explosive paraffin based propellants and the patented electric motor-driven oxidizer pump.


“We have approximately six months left before the first test launch scheduled for December this year. There are works to be done before the final launch and we will make all-out preparations to increase the success rate of the test launch for the rest of the time,” said Soo Jong Kim, CEO of INNOSPACE. 


He added, “INNOSPACE’s ultimate goal is that the small satellite launcher carries the satellites so that they can access the Sun-Synchronous Orbit (SSO) in low cost. Starting with the test launch this year, we will continue to develop technologies to enter the global satellite launch service market as soon as possible, and keep strengthening strategic cooperation with the space industry and global commercialization capabilities.”


INNOSPACE has signed an agreement on May 3rd with the Brazilian Department of Aerospace Science and Technology (“DCTA”) to launch SISNAV, an inertial navigation system, being carried onboard as a payload of HANBIT-TLV.”


Pois então amigos leitores e leitoras do BS, o que chama mais atenção nessa nota oficial da empresa é evidentemente a foto do tal foguete ‘HANBIT-TLV’. Será uma mockup? Na opinião do Prof. Rui Botelho não parece ser, mas em minha opinião eu prefiro aguardar para ver, pois fora isso, até onde sabemos, não há maiores informações de como e quando tecnologias associadas que permitissem o desenvolvimento de um foguete deste porte foram desenvolvidas e qualificadas em solo por essa empresa.


No entanto, vale aqui lembrar a todos que, mockup ou não, essa foto seria do foguete sub-orbital que tem previsão de lançamento da Base de Alcântara, em dezembro deste ano, e tendo abordo o SISNAV (‘Sistema de Navegação Inercial’ desenvolvido pelo IAE), uma decisão da FAB muito condenada por vários especialistas do setor devido a sua característica estratégica. Enfim…


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