So I’ve been pondering this for a while. With everything that is going on in thr world, how self-reliant is Switzerland? People talk about watches, banking and chocolate, but these things are not fundamentally necessary for life, so if shit really hits the fan how prepared are we?

Food: in valais most agriculture is grapes. Contrary to popular belief, wine is not food. So if there is a food crisis, can Switzerland grow its own food for 9 million people?

Electricity: can’t the EU just pull the plug on us? We have what…3 nuclear power plants and dams, so with rationing we probably would be at least partially supplied. But probably not for the entire population.

Energy: Gas, oil…all of it is imported.

So in times of crisis, what would be Switzerland’s bargaining chip to survive as it is? Because it seems to me for Switzerland to be somewhat self-reliant would take an entire change of philosophy and decades of infrastructure work.


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