I’m about to resign regarding this issue but maybe you guys have an idea, so I’ll try posting here as a last resort. My opinion is that the only way forward would be to hire a lawyer, but it’s probably not (financially) worth it because I don’t have “Rechtsschutz” (legal protection).
Here’s the timeline of events:
In 2019 I received “Krankentaggeld” (paid sick leave). AHV contributions aren’t deducted from Krankentaggeld. For the AHV, I classify as “Nichterwerbstätige” for this time period.
As “Nichterwerbstätige” I have to register myself at AHV and let them know about my income, so they can send me an invoice. I registered in 09/2020 (3 quarters too late). Theoretically I have 5 years to retroactively pay the accruals. If I miss that deadline, I’ll get a pension cutback.
In 06/2022 (almost two years later) I get the first ever “Akontorechnung” (down payment) from AHV for that time period. And on top of the AHV accruals, I also have to pay around CHF 200 “Verzugszinsen” (delay interest) for the whole time period from 01/2020-06/2022. The interest rate is 5% per year.
The “Merkblatt” I linked earlier states:
Verzugszinsen werden – unabhängig von einem Verschulden oder einer Mahnung – bei verspäteter Zahlung der Beiträge erhoben.
If I understand the above correctly, regardless of who makes a mistake (AHV or me), it’s always me who has to pay?
Know what’s funny? At least I didn’t pay interest between 03/2020-06/2020 due to the “Corona Massnahmenpaket” from 22/03/20. However, when asking the support employee from AHV why it took them two years to send me the invoice and give me a chance to pay what I owe, she could only speculate and complained about how the “Massnahmenpaket” caused a huge administrative overhead for the AHV and put them behind schedule. She also said that I should be thankful to the AHV to finally solve this issue because it might have led to a pension cutback otherwise. Even thought she’s technically right, that statement really made my blood boil.
I’m just disgusted that I’m the one who has to pay for this with interest. I’m fine with paying 9 or 10 months of interest because I registered too late. But I’m paying interest for 30+ months because they took so long.
But it’s for the greater good, right? I’m just securing your and my pension.