Four children killed in deadly Russian airstrike in Syria – صحيفة الصوت

A Russian warplane has struck a town in northwestern Syria near the Turkish border, killing seven civilians including four children, according to a human rights group.

Syrian Civil Defence volunteers rushed to the house to remove the bodies under the rubble shortly after the attack on Friday.

The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights and opposition media outlet Orient TV say the airstrike in the town of Jisr al-Shoghour, in Idlib province, was carried out by a Russian warplane following four other Russian airstrikes in another town further north.

The sources of the airstrikes on Idlib could not be independently verified.

The northwestern region of Syria is home to the country’s last rebel enclave. The province of Idlib is under the control of Hayat Tahrir al-Sham, an al-Qaida-linked group, while northern Aleppo province is under the control of Turkish-backed rebel groups.

More than 90% of the population in that area live in extreme poverty, relying on humanitarian aid to survive.

The Syrian government in Damascus, alongside key ally Russia, frequently launches airstrikes in the area.

Turkey has warned it intends to launch a new military operation targeting the US-backed Syrian Democratic Forces in northwestern Syria. 

Turkey says the Kurdish-led forces pose a security threat and deem them a terrorist group.


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