Former smelter boss part of ‘Let’s Go Invercargill’ ticket running for council – صحيفة الصوت

Former Southland Regional Development Strategy chairman and Tiwai smelter boss Tom Campbell is standing for the Invercargill City Council.
John Hawkins

Former Southland Regional Development Strategy chairman and Tiwai smelter boss Tom Campbell is standing for the Invercargill City Council.

Mayoral hopeful Nobby Clark has revealed eight candidates who will stand alongside him at October’s Invercargill City Council elections.

Included is Tom Campbell, a former Tiwai Point Aluminium Smelter general manager who headed up the Southland Regional Development Strategy project.

A ticket is where a group of candidates, who have a similar desire for the city, campaign together.

Clark will stand for mayor as part of the ticket which has been dubbed “Let’s Go Invercargill”.

Current councillor Allan Arnold is also part of the group that includes Campbell, Grant Dermody, Andrea Arango-Murrell, Karl Herman, Kevin Brown, Bevan Smith and Kerry Hapuku.

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Clark and Arnold have been working for a couple of months to put the Let’s Go Invercargill ticket together.

The group assembled had a broad range of skills, which included a strong financial background, Clark said.

The key quests for the group included enhancing governance skills on council, providing the community with some new candidate options, and ensuring the museum can be built within three years, opposed to the five to six in council plans, Clark said.

Clark stressed that while the group would campaign together, and share similar views on certain matters, they would be individual councillors in their own right who could vote whatever way they wanted.

He said the group was not put together to get enough councillors elected to provide a bloc vote.

More names could yet be added to the ticket, Clark said.

Nominations for local body elections close on August 12.


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