Earthquake-strengthening cash for commercial buildings in South Taranaki – صحيفة الصوت

The South Taranaki District Council has increased its earthquake-prone buildings assistance package from a maximum $6000 to $10,000 (file photo).

The South Taranaki District Council has increased its earthquake-prone buildings assistance package from a maximum $6000 to $10,000 (file photo).

South Taranaki commercial building owners can now get up to $10,000 from the council to go towards strengthening or redeveloping their earthquake-prone buildings.

The South Taranaki District Council has increased its earthquake-prone buildings assistance package from a maximum $6000 to $10,000.

The assistance comes in two tranches, with up to $5000 available when the building consent is granted and up to $5000 when at least 50% of the physical work has been completed, STDC group manager of environmental services Liam Dagg said.

In a statement, he said dealing with earthquake buildings was not cheap or easy.

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“This package is something council can do to help towards the cost of strengthening or redeveloping commercial property sites that have been identified as earthquake prone.”

Government legislation requires the council to identify all earthquake prone buildings in the district by July 1, 2027.

“Once a building has been identified as potentially earthquake prone the owner must provide the Council with a seismic assessment report from a suitably qualified seismic engineer within 12 months. If, based on that report, the building proves to be earthquake prone the owner has 12.5 years to strengthen or demolish it if it’s a priority building, or 25 years if it’s not.”

Meanwhile, the Government has increased both the amount and income threshold for the rates rebate scheme to help low income households pay their council rates.

The maximum annual rebate increased from $665 to $700, and the income abatement threshold increased from $26,510 to $28,080 for the year to March 2022.

In a statement, STDC chief executive Waid Crockett said increasing support will mean more low-income households could be eligible for the rebates in the district.

“Some people might qualify for the full rebate, while others might qualify for less.”


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