The Marshall Islands Marine Resources Authority is working on a long-term project to place Fish Aggregating Devices (FADs) off many of the outer islands to attract ocean-going pelagic fish such as marlin, tuna and mahi-mahi and make it easier for the islanders to catch these fish. The following is the statement from MIMRA about their latest FAD deployment off Ailuk Atoll.
Under the RMI National FAD Program, the MIMRA FAD team departed to Ailuk Atoll for the 7th FAD and first deployment of 2021.
To ensure longevity of the FAD, MIMRA highly requests that fishermen and boat operators do the following:
1) Refrain from tying boats onto the surface floats
2) Report any suspicious activities (floating of loose ropes, missing floats, vandalism etc)
3) Provide FAD Catch Data to support the continuity and longevity of this program
4) Do not cut the ropes!
This video depicts one of several upcoming projects from the office of the Marshall Islands Marine Resources Authority. For more information, please contact us:
Phone: (692) 625-8262
Email: inquiry@mimra.com
Website: www.mimra.com