Adding another list to the list of lists – صحيفة الصوت
Hi all! Well, my new regime of adding a new blog post every Friday has not exactly been a resounding success – I’ve already missed a few Fridays and, if I’m honest, today’s post is really more of a quick note so I can hi and not miss another week.

The good news though is that this lack of writing is a reflection of that the fact that we’re busy again! The recovery continues, bookings are up and it looks like August will be our best month in ages. Phew! What a relief! And it’s been so good – for whatever reason, we’ve had a succession of fantastic groups recently! We’ve had guests from locations are wide-ranging as Malawi, Sri Lanka, Russia, Australia and (rarest of all) Wales.

Happy Eat Rio Food Tour guests from around the world.

As well as running some of these tours, I’ve also been busy with Lonely Planet work (there are very few streets in Copacabana that I haven’t walked down this week). Here’s proof:

Just a few of the places in Copacabana and Leme that I visited and photographed recently.

Also, I bottled the latest batch of Eat Rio beer earlier this week. It looks, smells and tastes promising but my measurements suggest that the final strength will be a whopping 6.2% abv! Look out Rio – in two weeks there’s going to be some mayhem when the Eat Rio team finally get to sample the fruits of their brewing labour.

And in case you feel like that’s not enough to justify missing all these Friday blogging sessions, check out the “Where can I find…?” menu heading up top – I’ve added a new list to my list of lists. This time it’s my favourite Churrascarias. Have a lovely weekend – I’m off to enjoy a well-earned drink or two.


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