A Tristate super city instead of farmers in the Netherlands? | The Rio Times – صحيفة الصوت
, A Tristate super city instead of farmers in the Netherlands?If you believe the leaders of the Dutch farmers revolt, ambitious plans of investors, and the WEF globalists are why the Dutch Rutte governments want to take away the farmers’ land.

Freedom activist Willem Engel reports on what he sees as the actual background of the Dutch farmers’ protests. For him, it is clear that such developments will not be limited to the Netherlands. Under the guise of climate protection, the way to get there seems to be through forced expropriation.

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In the Corona Committee of July 8, 2022 (112th session; The disgrace), he comments at length on the massive farmers’ rebellion in his homeland. Their background, he finds, has nothing whatsoever to do with the official narrative of reducing nitrogen and ammonia emissions.

He claims that the Dutch government is not seeking to eliminate about a third of its farms for environmental reasons. Instead, it is about the construction of Tristate City, a megalopolis with a population of around 45 million extending to areas of Germany and Belgium.

To be able to implement this project, which is planned in agreement with the goals of Agenda 2030, expropriations are also planned, he said.

The so-called “nitrogen crisis,” Engel says, is fictional, a purely political issue. No human lives are at stake. All that is at stake, he says, is that some politicians want to reshape Holland’s landscape.

Moreover, the most significant nitrogen emissions are not caused by agriculture but by industry. However, this is not being targeted by those responsible.



And indeed, a group of institutional investors in the Netherlands, led by Peter Savelberg of Peter Savelberg en Partners, have joined forces to present the Netherlands plus parts of Belgium and Germany as a single city network named Tristate City.

The project, backed by Dutch employers organization VNO-NCW, says the region’s population of up to 45 million people creates a ‘sustainable urban power house’.

The project’s supporters include property developers, pension funds, and Utrecht’s economic board. Dutch cities, the organization says, are too small to compete in what it calls the ‘battle of the cities, in which mega-cities compete for investment and talent.

, A Tristate super city instead of farmers in the Netherlands?

By treating the Netherlands as an urbanized delta with 17 million inhabitants, the project’s supporters say it is creating a solid player in this ‘battle of the titans.’ ‘Our city marketing is too fragmented and inefficient,’ the project website says.

‘In practice, the Dutch cities compete with each other abroad.’ Amsterdam Metropool, Brainport Eindhoven, Twentestad, Ede Food Valley, Regio Groningen Assen, and Dairy Delta are just some of the names Dutch regions use when marketing themselves abroad.

The project’s backers say that the Netherlands must present itself as one of the world’s most potent and sustainable city networks.

‘It is about how Dutch companies present themselves to companies such as Apple or big Chinese firms,’ Prologis Benelux director Bram Verhoeven told the Financieele Dagblad. Amsterdam, Rotterdam, Utrecht, and The Hague are also part of another project known as the Holland Metropole. The big four cities present themselves as a single urban area with four centers, each with its specialty.


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